Policy Publications


Enquête sur la satisfaction des agents et les pratiques de management auprès de l’État du Luxembourg‘ (with Martin, L., Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.)  Ministry of Public Service, Government of Luxembourg

The Global Survey of Public Servants: Leveraging public servant insights for more effective public administration‘ (with Hasnain, Z., Khurshid, A., Lipinski, R., and Rogger, D.) World Bank, Let’s Talk Development Blog

How to improve human resources management in public administration, according to public servants‘ (with Fuenzalida, J.,  Mikkelsen, K., Naranjo, S., Rojas-Wettig, M., Meyer-Sahling, J.) Inter-American Development Bank Gobernarte Blog

Four Key Lessons for Effective Management of National Statistical Offices‘ (with Mejia-Guerra, J.A., Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K. and Rojas-Wettig, M.) Inter-American Development Bank Gobernarte Blog

¿Como mejorar la gestión de personal en el Estado según las y los servidores públicos?‘(with Fuenzalida, J.,  Mikkelsen, K., Naranjo, S., Rojas-Wettig, M., Meyer-Sahling, J.) Inter-American Development Bank Gobernarte Blog

Cuatro lecciones clave para una gestión eficaz de las oficinas nacionales de estadística‘ (with Mejia-Guerra, J.A., Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K. and Rojas-Wettig, M.) Inter-American Development Bank Gobernarte Blog

Encuesta nacional de funcionarias y funcionarios públicos de Chile 2023: hácia una función pública más inclusiva, meritocrática y motivada‘ (with Fuenzalida, J.,  Mikkelsen, K., Naranjo, S., Rojas-Wettig, M., Meyer-Sahling, J.) Inter-American Development Bank Report
[Results Presentation] [Media Coverage]


Managing National Statistical Offices Better: Evidence from a Survey of 13,300 National Statistical Office (NSO) Employees in 14 Latin American and Caribbean Countries‘ (with Mejia-Guerra, J.A., Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K. and Rojas-Wettig, M.) Inter-American Development Bank Report
[Results Presentation English] [Results Presentation Spanish]

‘Mejorando el funcionamiento de las oficinas nacionales de estadística: evidencia a partir de una encuesta aplicada a 13.300 personas empleadas en las oficinas nacionales de estadística (ONE) en 14 países de América Latina y el Caribe’ (with Mejia-Guerra, J.A., Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K. and Rojas-Wettig, M.) Inter-American Development Bank Report
[Results Presentation English] [Results Presentation Spanish]

Government Analytics – A Toolkit for Greater Expenditure Effectiveness‘ (with Rogger, D.) International Monetary Fund, PFM blog

A government productivity revolution requires a government analytics revolution‘ (with Rogger, D.) World Bank, Governance for Development

The Government Analytics Handbook”: A comprehensive guide for transforming public sector management‘ (with Rogger, D.) World Bank, Let’s Talk Development


Gobernar desde la mesa de la cocina‘ (with Fornasari, M., Rogger, D., Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.) World Bank, Latin America and Caribbean Blog, April 2022

Government from the Kitchen Table‘, (with Fornasari, M., Rogger, D., Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.) World Bank, Governance for Development Blog, March 2022


Encuesta sobre los desafíos del COVID-19 en el empleo público en Chile: Resultados y recomendaciones para el trabajo remoto en el empleo público durante y después del COVID-19.’ Washington DC: World Bank (with Kay, K.) [Media Coverage]

Encuesta sobre los desafíos del COVID-19 en el empleo público en Colombia: Resultados y recomendaciones para el trabajo remoto en el empleo público durante y después del COVID-19.’ Bogota: National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), Government of Colombia (with Kay, K.) [Results Dashboard] [Micro Data] [Media Coverage]


Making Merit Recruitment Work: Lessons from and for the Western  Balkans‘. Danilovgrad: ReSPA Publications (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Bartula-Musikic, R., Ahmetovic, D., Muk, M., Naidov-Little, Irena, Qeriqi, H., Shundi, A. and  Vlajkovic, V.)

Civil Service Management in Croatia: Evidence from a Survey of More than 7,000 Civil Servants‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., and Mikkelsen, K.) Report prepared for the Government of Croatia

Civil Service Management in Slovakia: Evidence from a Survey of More than 11,000 Civil Servants and State Employees‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K. and Staronova, K.) Report prepared for the Government of Croatia

Encuesta Nacional de Funcionarios en Chile: Evidencia para un  servicio público más motivado, satisfecho, comprometido y ético‘ (with Fuenzalida, J., Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K. and Titelman, N.) Informe preparado para la Dirección Nacional del Servicio Civil, Santiago, Chile, enero 2020 (Dashboard/tablero with survey results) [Media coverage]


Merit Recruitment in the Western Balkans: An evaluation of Change between 2015 and 2019‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Bartula-Musikic, R., Ahmetovic, D. Ivanova, M., Qeriqi, H., Radevic, R., Shundi, A., Vlajkovic, V.) Danilovgrad: ReSPA (Regional School of Public Administration) Publications [Country reports for: Albania || Bosnia and Herzegovina || Kosovo || Macedonia || Montenegro ||  Serbia ]

Civil Service Management in Bangladesh: Evidence from a Survey of More Than 1,000 Public Servants‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Rahman, T., Islam, K., and Huque, A.), Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID) Bangladesh Office, March 2019

‘Survey of Personnel Managers in the Western Balkans: Albania.’ Danilovgrad: ReSPA. Report prepared for the ReSPA Working Group on HRM/HRD in the Public Sector. (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Toth, F., Bartula-Musikic and Shundi, A.)

Survey of Personnel Managers in the Western Balkans: Bosnia and Herzegovina.’ Danilovgrad: ReSPA. (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Toth, F., Bartula-Musikic and Shundi, A.)

‘Survey of Personnel Managers in the Western Balkans: Kosovo.’ Danilovgrad: ReSPA. (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Toth, F., Bartula-Musikic and Queriqi, Q.)

Survey of Personnel Managers in the Western Balkans: North Macedonia.’ Danilovgrad: ReSPA. (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Toth, F., Bartula-Musikic and Ivanova, M.)

Survey of Personnel Managers in the Western Balkans: Montenegro.’ Danilovgrad: ReSPA. (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Toth, F., Bartula-Musikic and Radevic, R.)

Survey of Personnel Managers in the Western Balkans: Serbia.’ Danilovgrad: ReSPA. (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Toth, F., Bartula-Musikic and Vlajkovic, V.)


Towards a more professional civil service in Kosovo: Evidence from a Survey of Civil Servants in Central and Local Government‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Qeriqi, H. and Toth, F.), Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID)-British Academy Anti-Corruption Programme, October 2018

Civil Service Management in Nepal: Evidence from a Survey of More Than 1,200 Public Servants‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Shrestha, K., Luitel, B. and Toth, F.), Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID) Nepal Office, November 2018

Civil Service Management in Estonia: Evidence from a Survey of Civil Servants and Employees‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., Pesti, C. and Randma-Liiv, R.), Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID)-British Academy Anti-Corruption Programme, October 2018

How to improve the quality of public administration in Europe? Lessons from and for civil service reform‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.,) Report prepared for the European Commission (EUPACK Support for developing better country knowledge on public administration and institutional capacity building series), July 2018

The Quality of Civil Service Management in Albania: Evidence from a Survey of Central Government Civil Servants and Public Employees‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K., and Shundi, A.), Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID)-British Academy Anti-Corruption Programme, July 2018

Getting the basics right: How to manage civil servants in developing countries‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.) World Bank, Governance for Development Blog, May 2018

What the UK civil service can learn from developing countries on pay and acting on evidence‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.) UK Civil Service World, May 2018

Opiniones que importan: Las encuestas a servidores públicos‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.) Inter-American Development Bank, Gobernarte Blog, May 2018

Civil Service Management in Developing Countries: What Works? Evidence from a Survey of 23.000 Public Servants in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.) Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID), February 2018

Civil Service Management Practices for a More Motivated, Committed and Ethical Public Service in Ghana‘ (with Sigman, R., Mechkova, V., I., Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.), Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID) Ghana Office, February 2018

Civil Service Management Practices for a More Motivated, Committed and Ethical Public Service in Uganda‘ (with Harris, A., Apio Ayado, I., Meyer-Sahling, J. and Mikkelsen, K.), Report prepared for the UK-Department for International Development (DFID) Uganda Office, January 2018


Prácticas de gestión de personas para un servicio público más motivado, comprometido y ético en Chile‘ (with Meyer-Sahling, J., Mikkelsen, K. and González Parrao, C.) Informe preparado para la Dirección Nacional del Servicio Civil, Santiago, Chile, octubre 2017

Por qué la ciudadanía debería exigir que los gobiernos concursen los puestos en el sector público‘ Inter-American Development Bank, Gobernarte Blog (2017)


¿Cómo facilitamos el apoyo político para terminar con el clientelismo?’ Inter-American Development Bank, Gobernarte Blog (2016)

Reforming the Civil Service to Win Elections’ Inter-American Development Bank Research Department, Ideas Matter Blog (2016) (Spanish version: Reformando la administración pública para ganar elecciones)


Strategies to Modernize the Civil Service in Latin America’ (with Cortázar, J. and Lafuente, M.) In Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) (2014) Serving Citizens: A Decade of Civil Service Reform in Latin America (2004-13) (p. 73-112). Washington DC: IDB (Spanish version: Estrategias para avanzar en la modernización del servicio civil en América Latina)

An Agenda for the Future’ (with Cortázar, J., Lafuente, M. and Longo, F.) In Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) (2014) Serving Citizens: A Decade of Civil Service Reform in Latin America (2004-13) (p. 113-138). Washington DC: IDB (Spanish version: La Agenda a Futuro)

Strategies to Professionalize the Civil Service – Lessons from the Dominican Republic’ Technical Note, Inter-American Development Bank, 2014 (Spanish version: Estrategias para la profesionalización del servicio civil: Lecciones de República Dominicana)

Estrategias para la profesionalización del servicio civil: Lecciones aprendidas del caso paraguayo’ (with Lafuente, M.) Technical Note, Inter-American Development Bank, 2014


‘Dinamicas,condicionantes politicas y enfoques viables de reformas del servicio civil: lecciones de América Latina’ (with Lafuente, M. and Rojas-Wettig, M.) XVIII Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública, Montevideo, Uruguay, 29 oct. – 1 nov. 2013

Clientelismo y el Juego Político de Profesionalizar el Empleo Público en Paraguay’ Working Paper, Centro de Análisis y Difusión de la Economía Paraguaya (CADEP), 2013

The Unintended Consequences of Civil Service Reforms in Developing Countries’ Post for the Beyond Budgets Blog, Overseas Development Institute, 2012


Together Towards Transparency – Lessons from the Implementation of the Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) Pilot in Guatemala’ (wih Abreu, A.) En Breve Note 168, World Bank, 2011

Cutting Costs, Boosting Quality and Collecting Data Real-Time: Lessons from a Cell Phone-Based Beneficiary Survey to Strengthen Guatemala’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program’ (with Perez Brito, C.) En Breve Note 166, World Bank, 2011


Guatemala’s Country Governance and Anti-Corruption (CGAC) Experience’ (with Abreu, A.) Guatemala Country Management Unit Report, World Bank, 2010